Inquiring Minds
Tuesday, November 9, 2021, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm (THIS EVENT HAS PASSED).

Kael Alford (American, born 1971), Flooding on Island Road, View toward Isle de Jean Charles from Pointe-aux-Chenes, Louisiana (detail), 2008, pigmented inkjet print, 13 × 19 inches, commissioned with funds from Paul Hagedorn, Phyllis and Sidney Rodbell, and the H. B. and Doris Massey Charitable Trust, 2012.26.25. © Kael Alford.
Event Details
Curious about Picturing the South: 25 Years? Inquiring Minds invites participants to explore the exhibition through small group conversation facilitated by museum educators. The session will focus on a handful of artworks and will be participatory in nature—it will not be a lecture. Come as you are, with your observations, ideas, questions, and opinions.
Location: High Museum of Art, Taylor Lobby
Members: $14; Not-Yet-Members: $18
For more information, visit, email, or call 404-733-5051.