Smartphone Photography Class
Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm (THIS EVENT HAS PASSED).

Abelardo Morell (American, born Cuba, 1948), Camera Obscura: View of Atlanta Looking South Down Peachtree Street in Hotel Room (detail), 2013, pigmented inkjet print, 38 × 48 inches, commissioned with funds from the H. B. and Doris Massey Charitable Trust and gift of the artist, 2013.805. © Abelardo Morell.
Event Details
Wednesdays, November 3–December 15 (except November 24)
Offered in conjunction with Picturing the South: 25 Years, this online class will prompt participants to make their own distinctive smartphone photographs that speak to their personal engagement with the American South. Led by Nydia Blas, we will explore the way we view images on a screen, the opportunities and technical possibilities inherent in using smartphone cameras, and the ways photographs reflect our lives and the world at large.
Location: Zoom
Members: $200; Not-Yet-Members: $250
For more information, visit, email, or call 404-733-5051.